
Missing deb package in libvoxel-0.6.10-amd64-xenial-all.tgz

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In libvoxel-dev-0.6.9-amd64-xenial.deb, it seems no libvoxel-dev-0.6.10. is there anything wrong?

libvoxel-dev-0.6.9-amd64-xenial.deb is for version 0.6.9, while libvoxel-dev-0.6.10-amd64-xenial.deb is for 0.6.10.

0.6.9 will not have contents for 0.6.10, as this is an older version.

Could you explain the problem further?

I think what he means to say is that in the current release of libvoxel-0.6.10-amd64-xenial-all.tgz file, its missing the package : libvoxel-dev-0.6.10. This file is present in 0.6.9 but not in 0.6.10. This will cause the installation of prebuilt libraries to fail.

Yes, @dknyxh said is what i mean. The 0.6.10 package don't have libvoxel-dev-0.6.10-amd64-xenial.deb and the 0.6.10 installation of prebuilt libraries to fail. How to solve it?