
Issues in DemoApplications TinTin hand_tracking was built in win7

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Hi Suramya,
I built DemoApplications TinTin hand_tracking in win7.
OS: win7 Service Pack 1
Cmake (cmake-gui) Version: 3.12.0
Visual studio 14 2015 Win64
DemoApplications: hand_tracking
Environment variables were all setup according to requirements.
When I used cmake-gui to build project, Configuring and Generating were both done.
Command in Windows terminal: cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
I met as following issues:

  1. -msse2 -pthread -fPIC -ffast-math are all unkonw options in win7, how can I add_definitions in windows OS.
  2. set(VOXEL_INCLUDE_DIRS . /usr/include/voxel /usr/include/voxel/pcl /usr/include/voxel/ti3dtof /usr/include/voxel/Filter ) in Linux OS
    I changed to set (VOXEL_INCLUDE_DIRS "D:/Program Files (x86)/Voxel SDK 0.6.9/include/voxel-0.6.9" "D:/Program Files (x86)/Voxel SDK 0.6.9/include/voxel-0.6.9/pcl" "D:/Program Files (x86)/Voxel SDK 0.6.9/include/voxel-0.6.9/ti3dtof" "D:/Program Files (x86)/Voxel SDK 0.6.9/include/voxel-0.6.9/Filter" CACHE STRING "Find VOXEL_INCLUDE_DIRS") in windows, is this correct?
  3. set (VOXEL_LIBRARIES /usr/lib/libti3dtof.so /usr/lib/libvoxel.so /usr/lib/libvoxelpcl.so) in Linux OS
    I changed to set (VOXEL_LIBRARIES "D:/Program Files (x86)/Voxel SDK 0.6.9/lib/ti3dtof.dll" "D:/Program Files (x86)/Voxel SDK 0.6.9/lib/voxel.dll" "D:/Program Files (x86)/Voxel SDK 0.6.9/lib/voxelpcl.dll" CACHE STRING "Find VOXEL_LIBRARIES") in windows, is this correct?
  4. target_link_libraries (main voxelpcl X11 ${OpenCV_LIBS} ...) how can I deal with voxelpcl and X11 libraries in win7?
  5. Headfile unistd.h, termio.h and pthread.h were not openned in win7, how can I deal with it?

Duplicate of #158