
Algorithm "Download OSM data from a raw query" not available in processing modeler

pathmapper opened this issue · 4 comments

What is the bug?

Algorithm "Download OSM data from a raw query" not available in processing modeler anymore, only the algs under Advanced are available.

This is because of

return QgisAlgorithm.flags(self) | QgsProcessingAlgorithm.FlagHideFromModeler

is this expected?

I think this alg was available in the past because I've got some old models using it :-)




  • QuickOSM version: 2.2.3
  • QGIS version: 3.30.2
  • OS: Windows 10

Hum, I will look into it.

git blame tells me it likes this for at least 2 years minimum (July 2021). (creation of the file, but maybe it was legacy from a previous implementation)

But this algorithm "Download OSM data from raw query", isn't it two algorithm "Build raw query" and then send the output the native "native:filedownloader" algorithm ?

So, a long time ago... I will try to remember.

Thanks for looking into it @Gustry

Motivation to have it again available in the processing modeler:

  • easier to use and explain (no need to use native:filedownloader afterwards)
  • attribute value encoding is correct - with "Build raw query" + native:filedownloader I'm running into #369
  • hstore field "other tags" seems already exploded
  • all in all same result as when using a raw query from plugin interface

Maybe the reason not to show it were the side effects described in #362.

But can't spot anything in the changelog about the removal, so maybe it was unintentional.

#362 is from october 2021, git blame is at minimum July 2021. I will dig what has been done.

hstore field "other tags" seems already exploded

Indeed, it was like a package all inclusive : building query, encoding it, calling the native file download, then extracting data

I haven't been using QuickOSM for years now, so I don't remember the reason of the flag.