
Project's data in subfolder

fisholo opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi all and thanks for sharing tons of code!
I have this issue: no problem to server projects with data (gpkg) at the same level of project file, but when I create a subfolder with data inside no layers are rendered (nor in WMS or in WFS).

Where am I wrong?

Many thanks (in advance)


-- OK when --

-- KO when --

The path of your layers in the project.qgs must reference the correct relative path of the data,
i.e he relative path of the data files must be the same as when you have created the project in Qgis desktop.

Also Geopackages need to be an editable directory. OGR will create .wall and .shm files in the geopackage's directory.

Many thanks to @rldhont and @dmarteau!
It was an issue related to folder permissions!