Cannot set different port for docker instance
patrickkaleta opened this issue · 2 comments
patrickkaleta commented
I'm trying to setup both the py-qgis-server and py-qgis-wps on one server using Docker (as described in your docs). Since both use by default the 8080 port, I tried to change the port for th py-qgis-wps instance like this:
docker run -it --rm -p 8081:8081 --net mynet \
-v /path/to/processing/:/processing \
-v /path/to/qgis/projects:/projects \
-v /path/to/processing/output/dir:/srv/data \
... other environment variables ...
However, I'm unable to call http://my-server-ip:8081/ows/?SERVICE=WPS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
Running the docker instance with the default 8080 port works just fine. I'm also able to alter the port for the py-qgis-server using above command. So, am I missing something here or could this be a bug in py-qgis-wps?
dmarteau commented
Your command is wrong: use -p 8081:8080
(map internal port 8080 to host port 8081)
patrickkaleta commented
Of course... thanks, now working as expected!