
Gets a trouble loading from katana json file

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I go to Application/Import From/katana/json
and when i load the json file it pops up says Importing from "D:/path/file.json" Complete

but i get nothing and it does not import it

I also get this error at the logger view

[٠٢:٢٢:١٥] WARNING: QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted: TLS initialization failed
[٠٢:٢٢:١٥] WARNING: UPDATE CHECK: Network Error...

3nock commented

For the SSL error, it is common to some windows machine which are missing some openssl library dll. Go to the installation folder of SpiderSuite and install openSSL using the openSSL installer which comes with SpiderSuite (SpiderSuite/Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1n.msi)

For the loading issue, can I ask how large is the Json file?

One more question. Which version of SpiderSuite are you using?

Thanks for answering. I could fix the SSL error.
the file is 12726 line, and i'm using SpiderSuite V1.0.1

3nock commented

I think the error is related to the file size. The JSON parser I used in v1.0.0 and v1.0.1 had a limitation of only being able to parse files less than 125mb, but the current parser that I'm using has no such limitation. So for the coming versions you'll be able to load a file of any size.

Try loading a katana json file of less than 125mb to confirm this.

I don't think it is related to file size since for katana Json file I used a streaming api to read line after line from file and parse it. I'll take a closer look at what might be the problem and get back at you.

Hi, You said that importing from other tools are fixed in 1.0.2V but unfortunately i still can not import Katana's json files, Although the file is not big at all Only 3.3MB

3nock commented

Sorry for the late reply. I think the issue lies with the katana json file format, if possible can you upload a sample file.

Yes sure,
Github does not support json files so i could not upload it here but i uploaded it on drive and here is the link the file

Note: i tried several times on other files and didn't work though

3nock commented

Now I see where the problem was.
SpiderSuite could only import katana json output files containing the requests & responses. So only katana crawls which were run with the -sr, -store-response flag.

Thank you for the feedback, it was very helpful. I'll add the capability of importing all types of katana crawl results in the coming version of SpiderSuite.

Oh yes it worked very well.
Thanks for your efforts, the tool is great