
PVC Storage pending installation

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I am trying to deploy the 3scale operator on an AWS Rosa cluster running OpenShift 4.11.37.
I have finished running the installation but when I check the resources tab of the API manager I see that the system-storage PVC is pending and when I check the events I see that the event message is

External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "openshift-operators/system-storage"

Is this an issue caused by the storage size in the yaml set to 100Mi?

eguzki commented

Does the OCP provide persistence volumes (PV) with access more RWX required by 3scale?

From https://github.com/3scale/3scale-operator/blob/master/doc/operator-user-guide.md#prerequisites

Some [Deployment Configuration Options](https://github.com/3scale/3scale-operator/blob/master/doc/operator-user-guide.md#deployment-configuration-options) require OpenShift infrastructure to provide availability for the following persistent volumes (PV):

    3 RWO (ReadWriteOnce) persistent volumes
    1 RWX (ReadWriteMany) persistent volume
        3scale's System component needs a RWX(ReadWriteMany) PersistentVolume for its FileStorage when System's FileStorage is configured to be a PVC (default behavior). System's FileStorage characteristics:
            Contains configuration files read by the System component at run-time
            Stores Static files (HTML, CSS, JS, etc) uploaded to System by its CMS feature, for the purpose of creating a Developer Portal
            System can be scaled horizontally with multiple pods uploading and reading said static files, hence the need for a RWX PersistentVolume when APIManager is configured to use PVC as System's FileStorage

The alternative is using S3 as external storage https://github.com/3scale/3scale-operator/blob/master/doc/operator-user-guide.md#s3-filestorage-installation

Thanks I'll try out this

I have created the S3 user with the permissions mentioned in the document here
I am not sure where to add the Secrets mentioned in https://github.com/3scale/3scale-operator/blob/master/doc/operator-user-guide.md#s3-filestorage-installation
Should I add it under the CustomPolicyDefinitions or in the XML for creating API managers?

eguzki commented

Same namespace as the APIManager CR

Thanks this worked for me.