
Fails to enroll fingerptint

vonschutter opened this issue · 2 comments

Bus 001 Device 010: ID 138a:0090 Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS7500 Touch Fingerprint Sensor

Appears to work ...

sudo validity-sensors-tools.initializer
Found device <DEVICE ID 138a:0090 on Bus 001 Address 010>
Downloading https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/n1cgn08w.exe to extract 6_07f_Lenovo.xpfwext
Extracting "Synaptics Metallica MOH Touch Fingerprint Reader Driver" - setup data version 5.5.7

  • "app/WBF_Drivers/6_07f_Lenovo.xpfwext"
    Found firmware at /tmp/tmp_8xibwvx/app/WBF_Drivers/6_07f_Lenovo.xpfwext
    The device will be now reset to factory and associated to the current laptop.
    Press Enter to continue (or Ctrl+C to cancel)...
    Opening device 0x90
    Factory reset...
    Pairing the sensor with device 20FCS1C300
    Opening device 0x90
    Initializing flash...
    Detected Flash IC: W25Q80B, 1048576 bytes
    Opening device 0x90
    Clean slate
    Uploading firmware...
    Sensor: VSI 55E FM72-002
    Loaded FWExt version 1.0 (Tue Nov 8 10:05:20 2016), 6 modules
    Opening device 0x90
    Calibrating using device data
    Sensor: VSI 55E FM72-002
    FWExt version 1.0 (Tue Nov 8 10:05:20 2016), 6 modules
    Calibration data saved at /tmp/tmp9dutil8_/calib-data.bin
    Init database...
    Creating a new user storage object
    Creating a host machine GUID record
    That's it, pairing with <DEVICE ID 138a:0090 on Bus 001 Address 010> finished
    May the leds be with you...!

Enrolling fingerprint:
sudo validity-sensors-tools.enroll --finger-id 0
Found device <DEVICE ID 138a:0090 on Bus 001 Address 012>
Opening device 0x90
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/snap/validity-sensors-tools/65/vfs-tools/validity-sensors-tools.py", line 380, in
File "/snap/validity-sensors-tools/65/vfs-tools/validity-sensors-tools.py", line 270, in enroll
raise Exception('Enroll not supported yet for device {}'.format(
Exception: Enroll not supported yet for device 0x90

Soooooo what is upposed to happen here...? I am expecting it to propt for me to enroll a finger... is that not what is supposed to happen?

I have the same issue. I can blink the sensor (0090 one) and I can run :

validity-sensors-tools -t initializer

  • and I get the message about downloading firmware and so on.
    But I don't know what to do next. Readme talks about launching Windows in VM and doing something, but I don't know what exactly - this is my first device with such sensor (and sadly for my first experience I got the one that has issues on Linux :/ ).
    BTW - thank you for trying to support this one in an unofficial way.

On my Yoga 260 with the same sensor, I can enroll 1 finger, but it always fails to validate. When I try to enroll a second finger, fprintd always throws an error:

Dec 26 22:00:01 pop-os fprintd[10174]: Data exchange failed at state 1, usb err>
Dec 26 22:00:01 pop-os fprintd[10174]: Deactivation failed at state 1, unexpect>
Dec 26 22:00:03 pop-os fprintd[10174]: Reply mismatch, expected at char 6 (actu>
Dec 26 22:00:03 pop-os fprintd[10174]: Reply mismatch, expected at char 6 (actu>
Dec 26 22:00:03 pop-os fprintd[10174]: Reply mismatch, expected at char 6 (actu>
Dec 26 22:00:05 pop-os fprintd[10174]: LED blinking failed with error Operation>
Dec 26 22:00:08 pop-os fprintd[10174]: USB write transfer error: transfer timed>
Dec 26 22:00:08 pop-os fprintd[10174]: Data exchange failed at state 1, usb err>
Dec 26 22:00:08 pop-os fprintd[10174]: Deactivation failed at state 1, unexpect>
Dec 26 22:00:38 pop-os systemd[1]: fprintd.service: Succeeded.