
Blade directives not working

maxacarvalho opened this issue · 3 comments

I noticed that the Blade directives such as @impersonating() and @endImpersonating() stooped working, instead they were being rendered as HTML on the frontend.

After some digging and debugging I found out that the "problem" lies in the way that the directives are registered.
I also found a way to fix the issue, but I admit that I'm not sure about the technical reason behind the problem, I didn't have time to dig more into it.

Note: The issue started after the Laravel 9 upgrade.

Actual implementation:

   public function register()

    protected function registerBladeDirectives()
        $this->app->afterResolving('blade.compiler', function (BladeCompiler $bladeCompiler) {
            /// register the Blade directives

My fix:

    public function boot(): void
        if ($this->app->resolved('blade.compiler')) {
        } else {
            $this->app->afterResolving('blade.compiler', function (BladeCompiler $bladeCompiler) {

What also works:
If it's really necessary to place the directive declaration inside the register method, do not wrap it with the ...afterResolving('blade.compiler',... callback, that also worked with my tests.

Is there a fix for this? I updated to Laravel 10 but cannot use the blade directives

drbyte commented

#159 should resolve this.

Any update to this? This still does not work on laravel 10