
๐Ÿ—ƒ This first project as a student of 42 will build off of my knowledge from the Piscine. I will recode a number of standard C library functions, as well as other utility functions that I'll reuse throughout your curriculum.

Primary LanguageC


The libft project builds on the concepts I learned during Day-06 of the bootcamp ie code a library of useful functions that I'll be allowed to reuse in most of your C projects this year. This will save me a lot of precious time. The following assignments will have me write lines of code I already wrote during the bootcamp.


C programming can be very tedious when one doesnโ€™t have access to those highly useful standard functions. This project makes me to take the time to re-write those functions, understand them, and learn to use them. This library will help me for all my future C projects. Through this project, 42 also give me the opportunity to expand the list of functions with my own. I'll expand my libft throughout the year.