
Changes required after Gitter migration to Matrix

epassaro opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi! I spent some time trying to make Matterbridge work again with Gitter after the recent migration to Matrix.

This is what I did (and worked):

[matrix.<YOUR BOT NAME>]
MxID="@<PUT YOUR BOT ID HERE>:gitter.im"
RemoteNickFormat="[{PROTOCOL}] <b>{NICK}</b>: "

and then the gateway:



    channel="#<YOUR ROOM HERE>:gitter.im"

Some observations:

  • The Matrix token can be found at the bottom of the last section in the settings. But this token changes as soon as you close the session and log in again. Is it possible to get a token that does not expire so soon? A token from the bot's GitHub account maybe? Please let me know
  • You need to accept the terms and conditions before starting messaging, so running matterbridge shouldn't work the first time, search for the link in the output in the command line

The Matrix token can be found at the bottom of the last section in the settings. But this token changes as soon as you close the session and log in again. Is it possible to get a token that does not expire so soon? A token from the bot's GitHub account maybe? Please let me know

Open Element in your browsers incognito/private mode and quit it without logging out once you have the token.

Sounds reasonable, thanks.

I have a configuration with Discord and Gitter. When I send a message to Discord, it relays correctly the message to Gitter. But if I send a Gitter message, it doesn't relay it to Discord AFAIK. Can someone help me? I can't find any issue that relates to my problem.