
Unsupported version

Panther-42 opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
Using Nextcloud(27.1.0) with Mattermost server(8.1.2) and Matterbridge(1.25.2 20f841c) from store -so no access to main .toml file, the nextcloud itself handles the settings. So the matterbridge tells that 8.1.2 server mattermost is unsupported.

To Reproduce
Use version 1.25.2 20f841c with mattermost server (8.1.2)
I CANNOT ADD skip version variable, since it has no matterbridge.toml file in nextcloud AIO. It downloads from the app center and uses only the bridge when you create a talk channel and in the settings there is only option for host,channel, user password, team settings nothing else. You cannot add separate toml file to work with.

Expected behavior
It should sync both system messages with given details. Both mattermost and nextcloud runs good and accessible. also the matterbridge.

Screenshots/debug logs

The problem is that if i setup my mattermost server connections it says in the log:
time="2023-09-20T09:55:55Z" level=fatal msg="Starting gateway failed: Bridge mattermost.0 failed to start: unsupported mattermost version:" prefix=main

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: linux 18.04 Server
  • Matterbridge version: 1.25.2 20f841c

Any help would be appriciated!