
Hosted relay: please add your official XMPP MUC to the bridge

bkil opened this issue · 0 comments

bkil commented

Based on the docs, I thought all of your chat platforms were already bridged together:

However, I see that the 19 participants on your XMPP MUC are isolated:

Could you please have a look?

If you disabled this due to spam earlier, you can tighten its settings:

  • disable making the participant list public
  • present real Jabber ID to only mods
  • make room moderated
  • allow nobody to send private messages
  • disallow making users participants (i.e., unvoice by default)
  • disallow visitors from sending private messages, sending status text, change nicknames, sending voice requests
  • disallow querying of other users
  • disallow sending invites
  • disallow changing of the topic by users
  • enable message archiving to get a little scrollback perhaps
  • ...

Then you can come by and make trusted members voiced participants (such as who were already in good standing on other platforms, or as TOFU). This will protect you against 99% of hit & run spammers while you are sleeping.

You may also want to elect a few moderators over XMPP. Or as an alternative, over other platforms (and allow kicking the bot by mods and not rejoining automatically until you wake up).