
Support replying to threads

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Any chance of adding support for replying to threads?

An idea would be to include the thread ID or ParentId if one exists in a message . Then support something like @@ParentId, @#ParentId, or something along those lines. It'll then m.mc.Client.GetPost(data.ParentId, "") and if one exists, set the posts' ParentId to that.

42wim commented

Thread reply now is implemented (also using the prefixcontext option)

You can reply on threads by using @@number

See example, @@001 xyz will create a response on abc

21:55 <wim> [001] abc
21:56 <wim> [002] def
21:56 <wim> [003->002] lala
21:56 <wimtest> @@001 xyz