
Direct Messaging to slack is broken

Closed this issue · 4 comments

After working reliably for a long time, all of a sudden, messaging people in slack is broken.

Only the messages I sent to slack via matterircd server are broken - I don't see the messages showing up in the webinterface of slack. This is probably due to a change at the slack side, as I did not change anything. I've confirmed with another user - this does not seem to be a local problem.

So to clarify:
I send a message on irc -> matterircd -> slack server: broken
I send a message on the slack interface: the self-message on irc still appears and works fine
Other people message messaging me: still works

This is only for one-2-one private messaging. Messages to channels still work fine

Using the latest matterircd 0.23.0

As a followup: if I search around a bit I find the following things on the interwebs: slack-go/slack#748

Basically a chunk of API's are deprecated and disabled serverside since yesterday:

A good start would be to try update the slack-go version to the latest, v0.8.1 - the currently vendored version is v0.6.6. I don't have access to Slack to try it out and test.


I just signed up with a test account, even with slack-go v0.6.6, it seems to work for me. So I'm not sure what it is.


42wim commented

I just signed up with a test account, even with slack-go v0.6.6, it seems to work for me. So I'm not sure what it is.

That's because we are already using the new api everywhere, except for a direct message to a user.