
No messages after laptop suspend&resume about expired session

llunak opened this issue · 3 comments

I connect using a personal token, which sometimes expires. If I start my IRC client in that case (or choose reconnect) I get a message in the 'mattermost' channel about the expired session. But if I suspend my laptop and resume later, there is nothing, so it looks like the session is still active, just without messages. That means that I do not get any new messages until I explicitly reconnect. I'm also connected to irc.libera.chat and IRC client detects connection loss there and reconnects (presumably because that's a remote connection while I run matterircd locally).

The log below shows starting a session around 16:22, laptop gets suspended at 23:30 and resumed at 5:50. The log repeats messages about failed login every 10 seconds until I reconnected IRC client at 8:55.

time="2022-04-27T22:15:36+02:00" level=info msg="Running version 0.25.0 71b2c97" module=matterircd
time="2022-04-27T22:15:36+02:00" level=info msg="Listening on" module=matterircd
time="2022-04-27T22:15:37+02:00" level=info msg="New connection:" module=matterircd
loggerlevel: info
time="2022-04-27T22:16:22+02:00" level=info msg="login as llunak (team: collabora) on chat.collabora.com"
time="2022-04-27T22:16:22+02:00" level=info msg="Found version" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T22:16:23+02:00" level=info msg="found 238 users in team collabora" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T22:16:23+02:00" level=info msg="login succeeded"
time="2022-04-27T23:29:07+02:00" level=error msg="connection not alive: https://chat.collabora.com/api/v4/users/me: model.client.connecting.app_error, Get "https://chat.collabora.com/api/v4/users/me": dial tcp: lookup chat.collabora.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:33240->[::1]:53: read: connection refused" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:29:47+02:00" level=error msg="got a listen error: &model.AppError{Id:"model.websocket_client.connect_fail.app_error", Message:"model.websocket_client.connect_fail.app_error", DetailedError:"read tcp> read: connection reset by peer", RequestId:"", StatusCode:500, Where:"NewWebSocketClient", IsOAuth:false, params:map[string]interface {}(nil)}" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:29:47+02:00" level=error msg="connection not alive: NewWebSocketClient: model.websocket_client.connect_fail.app_error, read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:29:58+02:00" level=error msg="got a listen error: &model.AppError{Id:"model.websocket_client.connect_fail.app_error", Message:"model.websocket_client.connect_fail.app_error", DetailedError:"read tcp> read: connection reset by peer", RequestId:"", StatusCode:500, Where:"NewWebSocketClient", IsOAuth:false, params:map[string]interface {}(nil)}" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:29:58+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: logout" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:29:58+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:29:58+02:00" level=info msg="Found version" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:29:58+02:00" level=error msg="reconnect: login failed: : Invalid or expired session, please login again., , retrying in 10 seconds" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:08+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:08+02:00" level=info msg="Found version" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:08+02:00" level=error msg="reconnect: login failed: : Invalid or expired session, please login again., , retrying in 10 seconds" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:18+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:18+02:00" level=info msg="Found version" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:18+02:00" level=error msg="reconnect: login failed: : Invalid or expired session, please login again., , retrying in 10 seconds" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:28+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:28+02:00" level=info msg="Found version" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-27T23:30:28+02:00" level=error msg="reconnect: login failed: : Invalid or expired session, please login again., , retrying in 10 seconds" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T05:50:18+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T05:50:18+02:00" level=error msg="reconnect: login failed: "https://chat.collabora.com/api/v4/users/logout: model.client.connecting.app_error, Post \"https://chat.collabora.com/api/v4/users/logout\": dial tcp: lookup chat.collabora.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:59616->[::1]:53: read: connection refused", retrying in 10 seconds" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T05:50:28+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T05:50:28+02:00" level=error msg="reconnect: login failed: "https://chat.collabora.com/api/v4/users/logout: model.client.connecting.app_error, Post \"https://chat.collabora.com/api/v4/users/logout\": dial tcp: lookup chat.collabora.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:46339->[::1]:53: read: connection refused", retrying in 10 seconds" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T05:50:38+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T05:50:39+02:00" level=info msg="Found version" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T05:50:39+02:00" level=error msg="reconnect: login failed: : Invalid or expired session, please login again., , retrying in 10 seconds" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T08:54:59+02:00" level=info msg="New connection:" module=matterircd
time="2022-04-28T08:54:59+02:00" level=info msg="logout succeeded"
time="2022-04-28T08:55:02+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect: login" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T08:55:02+02:00" level=info msg="reconnect successful" prefix=matterclient
loggerlevel: info
time="2022-04-28T08:55:04+02:00" level=info msg="login as llunak (team: collabora) on chat.collabora.com"
time="2022-04-28T08:55:05+02:00" level=info msg="Found version" prefix=matterclient
time="2022-04-28T08:55:05+02:00" level=error msg="login failed: Invalid or expired session, please login again., "

42wim commented

Sorry, the way the library is build, it's not possible to have those reconnect messages as a message in matterircd itself.
You could make a script that tails the output and send you the error messages or a script that disconnects/connects when you put your laptop in/out sleep.

If it's not possible to have those messages in matterircd, then how come I see them if I reconnect the IRC client? Are you telling me mattericrd cannot close and setup again the socket connection to the IRC client that it is providing?

42wim commented

Because you see them on connect, not on reconnects. Feel free to make a PR though.