
Unable to reply to a multi-line message using any line's short thread ID

kot0dama opened this issue · 4 comments

When using short thread IDs, if someone sends a multi-line message, matterircd sends the messages to the client with auto-incremented short IDs for each line of the message.

Then when an IRC user wants to reply to the thread, it seems they need to use the last short thread-ID only, else matterircd will fail to detect which thread it belongs to, and will send @@xxx prefix in the message, without a warning it could not find the thread ID.

Also, there is absolutely no indication that a received line is part of a multi-line message, or that every line of these message belong to a specific thread ID, hence there is no way for a user to know they should reply using the last message's thread ID.

Example from IRC client side:

From Mattermost side:

Thank you

42wim commented

Try PR #482 this should fix the issue

Thanks for this, now we can clearly identify multi line messages.

Although, if I might nitpick, this change breaks 2 things:

  • message highlighting by IRC clients as only the last line gets the mention bit.
  • plugins coloring thread IDs by their number to help the user identify threads messages as the thread ID is not prefixed to every line

Maybe we need to also prefix current thread ID and suffix re: / mention items when breaking the line before sending to IRC ?

Follow up PR #483 to @42wim's PR #482 fixes the issue with having each line have the thread ID/context.

As for each line having the mention, as it is right now, it's only the last line. Would be a little noisy if it's highlighting on each and every message of a multi-line message, IMO.

Nice, thanks!
I think having mentions on only one line is OK, it's just that we had them on every line of a multi-line message before the change.