
🕵️‍ Tellonym private api wrapper made in typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript


🕵️‍♂️ Tellonym private api wrapper made in typescript


To retrieve the token you have to sniff HTTP requests or get it from web localStorage. You can use this script on pc by pasting it in the console, or you can use the javascript: method even on mobile by:

• Copying the script's content

• Going on a javascript minifier website, such as https://minify-js.com/, and minifying it

• Going on telloynm.me, tapping the search bar, writing javascript: and pasting the minified code


const { Tellonym } = require('tellonym.js');

const tellonym = new Tellonym({
    //Optional, use it to recive some logs in the console
    debug: true, 

(async () => {
    await tellonym.login('token');