
List followers of a user

abteilung6 opened this issue · 3 comments


   * Lists the people following the specified user.
   * @param username of the user to retrieve
   * @param pagination Limit and Offset for pagination
   * @param headers optional user headers to include in the request
   * @return GHResponse[List[User]\] User details
  def getFollowers(
      username: String,
      pagination: Option[Pagination] = None,
      headers: Map[String, String] = Map()
  ): F[GHResponse[List[User]]]


  override def getFollowers(
      username: String,
      pagination: Option[Pagination],
      headers: Map[String, String]
  ): F[GHResponse[List[User]]] =
      .get[List[User]](s"users/$username/followers", headers, pagination = pagination)


  "Users >> GetFollowers" should "return the expected followers list for a valid username" taggedAs Integration in {
    val response = clientResource
      .use { client =>
        Github[IO](client, accessToken).users
          .getFollowers(validUsername, None, headerUserAgent)

    testIsRight[List[User]](response, r => r.nonEmpty shouldBe true)
    response.statusCode shouldBe okStatusCode

  it should "return error on Left for invalid username" taggedAs Integration in {
    val response = clientResource
      .use { client =>
        Github[IO](client, accessToken).users
          .getFollowers(invalidUsername, None, headerUserAgent)

    testIsLeft[GHError.NotFoundError, List[User]](response)
    response.statusCode shouldBe notFoundStatusCode

@abteilung6, thanks for the suggestions. I can help you with the missing pieces if you want to create the PR. It would be nice to give you the proper credits for the contribution.

@fedefernandez I think i didn't had the permission for an upstream branch in order to create a draft PR.
But I will retry it the next days!

@abteilung6 yeah, I think the only way would be through a fork