
The update bot doesnt work very well

jorgegalindocruces opened this issue Β· 16 comments

Looks like the bot is committing new changes every day but it doesn't work properly because there is a lack of update information in the stars that are showing with the real ones.

The issue seems to be in the script used by Travis:


git push using:  https://47deg:[secure]@github.com/47deg/47deg.github.io.git master
To https://github.com/47deg/47deg.github.io.git
 ! [rejected]        1bd0462e8f9ccbfc07d5dd0729a349784f1c9b94 -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://47deg:[secure]@github.com/47deg/47deg.github.io.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind

I'll take a look πŸ‘€

Should be fixed now, see the last build

Thanks @purrgrammer ❀️ !

This is happening again on the website (https://47deg.github.io/).

For example, Arrow has now 2400 stars and it appears only 1157

Yeah, it seems this is failing again. any ideas what would be the cause @purrgrammer ?

This is a bit strange, since I can see the generated HTML code for Arrow with 2000+ stars but it seems GitHub is serving an old version for some reason.

<h2 data-reactid="98">arrow</h2>
<p data-reactid="99">Functional companion to Kotlin&#x27;s Standard Library</p>
<ul data-reactid="100">
    <li data-reactid="101"><span class="octicon octicon-code" data-reactid="102"></span><span data-reactid="103">Kotlin, Java</span></li>
    <li data-reactid="104"></li>
    <li data-reactid="105">
      <span class="octicon octicon-git-branch" data-reactid="106"></span>
      <span data-reactid="107">171</span></li>
    <li data-reactid="108"></li>
    <li data-reactid="109">
      <span class="octicon octicon-star" data-reactid="110"></span>
      <span data-reactid="111">2191</span></li>

I'm investigating the issue, will keep you posted.

I think it may be caused by a missconfiguration of the repository, since I just checked and GitHub Pages is disabled for org:


I'm going to enable it to publish from the docs folder.

I've discovered that the Pages feature in GitHub has changed a bit since we wrote org, and apparently for publishing a organization website requires us to rename the repository.

For publishing this under 47deg.github.io, we'd need to create a repository named 47deg (or rename this one) and host the website there. Org is now publishing to: https://47deg.github.io/org/

Hi! Just my two cents, as it is part of the 47ΒΊ webiste, I think it would be much better if we set the domain for org under our own 47deg.com umbrella (opensource.47deg.com or something like that).

@justinelsberry is gonna transfer the domain to Google Domain soon, when that's done, if you agree we can go through this quickly.

@justinelsberry is gonna transfer the domain to Google Domain soon, when that's done, if you agree we can go through this quickly.

πŸ‘ Setting up a custom domain should be straightforward.

Changed the repo name to 47deg.github.io, since changes in the GitHub Pages feature force us to name it like this for being the org-wide site, you can see the updated website in https://47deg.github.io/ The rendered HTML still has "old" values, but it updates when receiving the new data from GitHub.

I'm going to trigger a rebuild to have the initial HTML updated.

It seems that renaming the repository had an unintended consequence: it changed the Github Pages configuration to serve the website from master instead of the docs folder in master. Furthermore, I cannot change it back to the old configuration:


I've contacted GitHub support to address this issue, seems like a bug on their side.

I think it is because of the name, if it's the user or organization one, it must be served from the master branch:


So, if I understood correctly, we should use the 47deg.github.io repository just to push the generated site from the master branch since GitHub Pages for organizations doesn't seem to support serving from the docs directory, am I right @calvellido ?

What I'm suggesting to do is:

  • Re-rename this repository to org
  • Create a new 47deg.github.io repo
  • Configure the org repo to push the built site to 47deg.github.io to the master branch as Github requires us to do

While that would be a very clever thing that I would have never come up to, I find it a bit cumbersome still.

My proposal would be:

  • Re-rename this repository to org
  • Publish the site to its default location (47deg.github.io/org I guess)
  • Point our website links to that new location
  • When we are able to, set a custom domain for it under 47deg.com

Anyway, maybe the best option will depend on the number of sites beyond 47deg.com pointing to 47deg.github.io, thoughts @MaureenElsberry @jorgegalindocruces?

I'm now just seeing this somehow 1.5 months later 😯

I'm super slammed with stuff right now, but have added a task for myself to review site-links. I'll keep ya posted and try to get to this next week, it's in the queue!