
  • This service should use a Java library with an static method.
  • The static method returns the encrypted array but can also throw some runtime exception.
  • We need to implement an algebra that call to this method but logging the exception and raising our exception into the F context:

case object EncryptionError extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace

  • This is the signature of the Java method:

com.sample.encryption.Encryptor.encryptString(s: String): Array[Byte]


  • The company already has a HTTPClient for interacting with their API. We need to add a log call before and after the call.

  • We need to implement the algebra through a builder receiving the HTTPClient.

  • The client looks like following:

class SampleClient[F[_]: Async] {
  def loadInfoRequest(id: UUID, prefs: Preferences): F[UserInformation] = ???


We need to add an implementation for this algebra. It needs to validate the following things:

  • The age should be >= 18.
  • The gender need to be M (Male) or F (Female)
  • The heightAndWeight comes in the form: 175x80 (cm and kg). We need to split the value and put in two int fields.

The errors need to be accumulated in a NonEmptyList but we don’t give details about the original values, we need to log them as errors.

  • Logging

We will use org.slf4j for logging but we should treat the logger instantiation and the logging message as a side effect.