Terminal Request returning a null response
Closed this issue · 1 comments
amusingimpala75 commented
I tried modifying the example to work with a terminal, but no matter what the terminal response will be null
even thought the framebuffer response will be present.
Example code:
const std = @import("std");
inline fn done() noreturn {
while (true) {
asm volatile ("hlt");
pub export var framebuffer_request: @import("limine").FramebufferRequest = .{};
pub export var terminal_request: @import("limine").TerminalRequest = .{};
export fn _start() callconv(.C) noreturn {
// From the example repo; works
if (framebuffer_request.response) |framebuffer_response| {
if (framebuffer_response.framebuffer_count < 1) {
const framebuffer = framebuffer_response.framebuffers()[0];
for (0..100) |i| {
const pixel_offset = i * framebuffer.pitch + i * 4;
@as(*u32, @ptrCast(@alignCast(framebuffer.address + pixel_offset))).* = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Written by me, doesn't work
if (terminal_request.response) |response| {
if (response.terminal_count < 1) {
const term = response.terminals()[0];
// Neither of these are called, because control flow doesn't get here
response.write(term, "Hello, World\n");
response.write_fn(term, "Hello, World\n", 13);
Using zig 0.11.0
AshesOfEther commented
Support for the terminal request was removed in Limine v5. Alternatives include https://github.com/mintsuki/flanterm and/or writing to a serial port instead, the latter of which has the benefit of not losing output when it scrolls off-screen.