
An interactive emacs frontend to taskwarrior

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


An interactive emacs frontend for taskwarrior.

NOTE: This major mode is under heavy infrequent development.


Eventually my goal is to make taskwarrior.el available through MELPA. Currently I simply load the necessary elisp through:

(use-package taskwarrior
  (load "~/yourcheckout/taskwarrior.el")
  (("C-x t" . taskwarrior)
   ("C-x t" . taskwarrior)))




While developing we don't want taskwarrior.el to mess with our taskwarrior tasks. That's why we use direnv to export $TASKRC and $TASKDATA to point to the git repository.

With direnv you can either launch emacs within the taskwarrior.el repository to make use of the mentioned einvironment variables or use the excellent emacs-direnv mode to make emacs direnv aware.