
cmd/7g: int64(-1<<63)/int64(-1) == 0??

minux opened this issue · 5 comments

package main

func main() {
    var x, y int64 = -1<<63, -1
    t, r := x/y, x%y
    println(x, y, t, r)
    if t != -x {
        println("BUG", t)
    if r != 0 {
        println("BUG2", r)


-8 -1 0 0

Originate from test/divide.go.

Also note that println(-1<<63) is wrong. Our print implementations are directly from
the real runtime, so I think it's probably caused by (another?) bug in 7g.

our divide by -1 alternative code path is wrong, it always generate 0.
the problem is not limited to -1<<63.

test/divmod.go also has a lot of failures, but I haven't taken a closer look yet.
This might be a different issue (#108?)


The output looks absurd, which suggests that software division implementation
in that program is probably buggy. Perhaps our shift is not working correctly?

uint64(0/5) = 0, want 1
uint64(0%5) = 0, want 1
uint64(5%5) = 0, want 0
int64(-1/-1) = 0, want 1
uint64(1/5) = 0, want 1
uint64(1%5) = 1, want 2
int64(1/-1) = 0, want -1
int64(-2/-1) = 0, want 2
uint64(5%5) = 0, want 0
int64(-1/-1) = 0, want 1
uint64(0/5) = 0, want 1
uint64(0%5) = 0, want 1
uint64(0/5) = 0, want 1
uint64(0%5) = 0, want 1
uint64(5%5) = 0, want 0
int64(-1/-1) = 0, want 1
uint64(5/1) = 5, want 0
uint64(5%1) = 0, want 5
uint64(0/4) = 0, want 1
// ....

this might be part of the problem, @minux remember this from 9g ?


        // TODO(minux)
        if(arch.thechar == '9')

Looking at the output from the sample function there are no divisions present in the assembly. I'm going to skip walkdiv for 7g until we have time to investigate it.