
Regarding UI

aasthad27 opened this issue · 7 comments

Spacing between game cards and subscription.
That gap doesn't seem nice.

hey i wanna work on this issue can you please assign me this issue

4ian commented

You don't need to be assigned, just submit a PR with your changes :)

please can you help me to locate the website code so that i can make changes

i am not able to locate the website code location please give me the location it will help me to contribute

Hi @aman8218,
Thanks for the contribution effort.
I'm not sure you have enough details from @aasthad27 to work on this issue:

  • Is it on GDevelop's website or in the editor?
  • Which screen is involved?
  • What doesn't feel nice?
4ian commented

@aman8218 I will also add that contributors are expected to be fairly autonomous. Give a try and if you don't succeed, try something else. Thank you!