
Color choices

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Highlighting and contrasting of colours should be re-evaluated
Reviewer 1 - S4

Color mapping for figure 4 doesn't have enough contrast... too many categories.
Reviewer 3 - major compulsory revision 3

We have redefined the way to choose the colors when a "Color by"/"Border by" rule is executed.
We decided to use the HSL color mode in order to have more control over the hue values of the colors. So, in a HSL model were the Hue value is from zero to one we are taking as many hue values as categories we need. If for example we need 3 categories the hue values chosen will be 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75.
Given the cyclical nature of the Hue coordinate we also modify the Saturation of the color, so even when many categories are assigned the first and last color are distinct.
However the "color by" gets lets useful with a big number of categories because the distance between two colors won't be easy to differentiate.
A side effect of this is that if the categories are numerical and sorted, the gradient effect is reached.

The color to highlight has been changed as requested.