
Update/edit a dataset

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Allow the creator of a dataset to delete/update its content.
Also to provide a way to make a data set private.

Reviewer 2 - Major Revision 2

To address this issue we have added a unique identifier to each core that will only be email to the creator of the data set.

If the dataset is marked as public, the secret key is only used to delete the core.
If the data set is private the key has to be included in the URL to be able to access any data from it. Anyone that has the link is able to use this dataset.

For now the client implementation is ready for testing, but the server implementation is still under development.

This strategy has as a bonus that doesn't require user registration.

The updating is not a feature we have solve with this. for now if the data is incorrect, it is necessary to delete the whole dataset and load everything again.

Implemented, with a second key for view only access