Mutli configuration Android Studio: Kotlin DSL

Assuming all the modules and features use kotlin dsl

If we need to convert a groovy to Kotlin DSL this article is helpfull

As per this project:

There are 3 application configuration: :app :secondapplication :temp

All of them are created using creating a module type of either of Android Library and Phone & Tablet as shown in the below image.

demo image

The application configuration :app is the default one in the project. the other app configurations (:secondapplication & :temp) are created by the following process.

After we create a module of the first two types they are automatically recognized by android studio as a configuration and are added in the play dropdown menu. Consisting of the files, manifest, classes as described in their respective gradle configuration.

A feature or android library cannot be added as a configuration.(not sure, doesn't make sense, even if you made one won't be runnable and it gives an error "The module cannot be a library")

A module can be added as a configuration in android studio.\

  • Going in the edit configurations settings from the drop down,

  • Add a new configuration using the top left + icon, of type android app demo image

  • select your module and further details which include (Module Title, etc, default activity, default apk, etc)

demo image

Hurray!, new app configuration is created. Find you new configuration on the dropdown.

In short, use of Kotlin DSL does not change the configuration process in the Android Studio.