
FiftyOne.DeviceDetection.Hash.Engine.OnPremise.Native.dll cannot load assembly

gespathis opened this issue · 2 comments

We have a test environment that loading the FiftyOne nugget using ApplicationHost.CreateApplicationHost , but unfortunately after your update one of your dll could load , the specific one is FiftyOne.DeviceDetection.Hash.Engine.OnPremise.Native.dll. The major problem is that this change fails our test suite. Can you tell us what is the issue from this change and if could by pass it. Thanks

Hi @gespathis,

The most common cause of this type of error is that some dependencies required by that dll are missing.
You can check the required dependencies in our documentation.

If that does not help, could you let us know which version you were using previously and which version you updated to?
We may then be able to advise on what has changed.

Kind Regards,

Closing as we don't have any more information.