
Discord Webhook

not-ivy opened this issue · 3 comments

Sends a message to the webhook when there is a new beat, or longest recorded absence is updated.

5HT2 commented

I'm not sure about the usefulness of that. For what it's worth, the latter would get rate-limited very quickly (due to a new update happening each second).

set like a threshold so when the longest recorded absense has increased an hour or a day it would use the webhook

5HT2 commented

That also might not be the best use-case. Personally my longest recorded absence has only increased by a few minutes over the past year (it was 10 hours XX minutes for a few months, then 11h37m, and now it is 12h30m).

How does sending the webhook for the new longest recorded absence when the absence ends sound?

As in, once there is a new longest absence to report, wait until the next beat.