
Missing monster flavor text

Rarst opened this issue · 1 comments

Rarst commented

In D&D books there is usually some flavor text in addition to a stat block. In SRD this part seems to have been (mostly?) stripped from monster monsters, but some misc creatures and NPCs still have it. This does not seem to be currently captured in data (at least not for a single one I spot checked). See Archmage for example.

I can do a pass on this some time, just where exactly it should go?

  1. desc on a monster root? Where in order of properties?
  2. As a markdown string or array of paragraphs?
  3. Keeping formatting (name of the monster is usually bolded in SRD) or plain text?
  1. Yeah desc on a monster root
  2. Markdown string please. I think that's what we're trying to do. See rules as a good example
  3. Keep formatting since it's Markdown