
Sui NFT Smart contracts maintained by the Origin Byte team

Primary LanguageMoveApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

  • Sui v0.9.0


This codebase requires installation of both the Sui CLI ant the Sui source code. The latter has to be present in the parent folder of the repository.

  • Install the Sui CLI
  • git clone https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git --branch devnet to download the current sui develop branch source code

Built and Test

  1. $ sui move build to build the available move modules
  2. $ sui move test to run the move tests
  3. ./bin/publish.sh to publish the modules on localnet or devnet


A new approach to NFTs.

Origin-Byte is an ecosystem of tools, standards and smart contracts designed to make life easier for Web3 Game Developers and NFT creators. From simple artwork to complex gaming assets, we want to help you reach the public, and provide on-chain market infrastructure.

This repository currently contains the first version of OriginByte NFT and collection framework. It comprises four modules, of which two are generic and two domain-specific:

Generic modules:

  • nft.move as generic NFT module
  • collection.move as generic collection module
  • slingshot.move as generic slingshot launchpad module

Domain-specific modules:

  • std_nft.move as a standard NFT metadata implementation
  • std_collection.move as a standard Collection metadata implementation
  • fixed_price.move as fixed price launchpad configuration

Minting an NFT Collection

Conceptually, NFTs are organized in NFT collections. To mint an NFT, projects must first create the NFT collection object, where metadata and configurations about the project will be stored. The NFT collection objects are meant to be owned by the project owners, who maintain control over the collection and its NFTs while the collection is mutable. At any point in time, the collection owner can decide to make the collection immutable which involves freezing the collection object and its associated NFTs. However, not all fields of the Collection are frozen:

  • The field current_supply will still mutate every time an NFT is minted or burned
  • Collection owners will still be able to push and pop tags onto the field tags

Once the collection object is created via the domain-specific collection module, you can use the domain-specific NFT module to mint the NFTs. All domain-specific NFT objects will be guaranteed to have the field collection_id if they are implemented with the generic module. This field acts as a pointer to the collection object and allows us to build a permissioning behaviour.

When minting an NFT, you need to pass on a mutable reference to the Collection object. This means that only the collection owner can perform the initial mint, unless it is a shared-object in which case anybody can or anyone can. This collection ownership pattern is useful since many projects will want to transfer NFTs to a Launchpad as part of the initial mint process. Therefore we expose three methods:

  • mint_and_transfer to mint to an address
  • mint_to_launchpad to mint to a Slingshot<T, Config> object

Let us now describe the Collection and CollectionMeta objects, instantiated by the collection and std_collection modules, as well as the NftOwned and NftMeta objects, instantiated by the nft and std_nft modules.


The collection object, Collection<phantom T, Meta>, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the collection object
name String The name of the collection
symbol String The symbol/ticker of the collection
current_supply u64 The current number of instantiated NFT objects for this collection
total_supply u64 The maximum number of NFT objects instantiated at any given time for this collection
initial_price u64 Initial mint price in Sui
receiver address Address that receives the mint price in Sui
tags Tags A set of strings that categorize the domain in which the NFT operates
is_mutable bool A configuration field that dictates whether NFTs are mutable
metadata Meta A generic type representing the metadata object embedded in the NFT collection

Where Tags is a struct with the field enumerations as a VecMap<u64, String> being the set of strings representing the domains of the NFT (e.g. Art, Gaming Asset, Tickets, Loyalty Points, etc.)

The collection object has the following functions that mutate state:

  • create which mints a collection object and returns it
  • init_args returns InitCollection struct from the inputs which acts as input to create function
  • increase_supply which increments current_supply by one
  • decrease_supply which decreases current_supply by one
  • burn which burns the collection object if current_supply is zero

and the following modifier functions:

  • rename
  • change_symbol
  • change_total_supply
  • change_initial_price
  • change_receiver
  • freeze_collection (irreversible)
  • push_tag

and the following getter functions:

  • name
  • symbol
  • current_supply
  • total_supply
  • tags
  • metadata
  • metadata_mut returns a mutable reference to metadata object
  • initial_price
  • receiver
  • is_mutable
  • id
  • id_ref

Standard Collection Metadata

The standard collection metadata object, CollectionMeta, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the standard collection metadata object
royalty_fee_bps u64 The royalty fees creators accumulate on the sale of NFTs *
creators vector<Creator> A vector containing the information of the creators
data String An open string field to add any arbitrary data
  • royalty_fee_bps is currently not being utilized but will be used in the standard launchpad module.

Where Creators is a struct with the following fields:

  • id representing the address of the creator
  • verified which is a bool value that represents if the creator address has been verified via signed transaction (this functionality is still not implemented)
  • share_of_royalty as the percentage share that the creator has over royalty_fee_bps.

The collection metadata object has the following functions that mutate state:

  • mint_and_transfer mints a collection object, it's corresponding metadata object, and transfers it to a recipient
  • mint_and_share mints a collection object, it's corresponding metadata object, and makes it a shared object
  • add_creator pushes a Creator to the creators field
  • remove_creator pops a Creator from the creators field
  • change_royalty changes the field royalty_fee_bps
  • burn which burns the collection object and subsequently the metadata object

and the following getter functions:

  • royalty
  • creators
  • data


Generic NFT object, NftOwned<phantom T, Meta>, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the generic NFT object
collection_id ID A pointer to the collection object
metadata u64 A generic type representing the metadata object embedded in the NFT

The generic NFT object has the following init and drop functions:

  • create_owned to create the NFT (called by the Domain-specific module)
  • destroy_owned to destroy the NFT (called by the Domain-specific module)

the following modifier functions:

  • owned_metadata_mut

and the following getter functions:

  • owned_metadata
  • uid_ref
  • id
  • id_ref
  • collection_id

NFT Standard Metadata

Standard NFT metadata object, NftMeta, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the NFT metadata object
name String Name of the NFT object
index u64 The index of the NFT in relation to the whole collection
url Url The URL of the NFT
attributes Attributes Attributes of a given NFT

Where Attributes is a struct with the field keys, the attribute keys represented as string vector, in other words the set of traits (e.g. Hat, Color of T-shirt, Fur type, etc.) and NFT has, and values of such traits (e.g. Straw Hat, White T-shirt, Blue Fur, etc.).

The standard NFT metadata object has the following init and drop functions:

  • mint_and_transfer which mint and NFT and transfer it to a recipient. Currently, the only way to mint the NFT is if the call is made by the Collection owner (or by anyone if the collection is a shared object). This last option allows for anyone to mint their desired metadata which is suboptimal.

For the time being we are allowing for this so that marketplaces can allow users to mint devnet NFT mints from temporary collections. However, we plan to deprecate this as soon as we deploy the launchpad module, which will allow collection owners to mint and transfer the NFT to a launchpad object which will configure the primary market sale strategy.

  • burn which burns the NFT

and the following getter functions:

  • name
  • index
  • url
  • attributes

Slingshot Launchpad

The Slingshot object, Slingshot<phantom T, Config>, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the Slingshot object
collection_id ID The ID of the NFT Collection object
live bool Boolean indicating if the sale is live
admin address The address of the administrator
receiver address The address of the receiver of funds
nfts vector<ID> Vector of all IDs owned by the slingshot
config Config Config object

It has the following init and drop functions:

  • create to create the Slingshot launchpad (called by the Domain-specific module)
  • delete to destroy the Slingshot launchpad (called by the Domain-specific module)

the following transfer functions:

  • transfer_back which allows the administrator to transfer back nfts from the Slingshot to a recipient address

the following modifier functions:

  • add_nft (called by the NFT contract when an NFT is transferred to the Slingshot)
  • pop_nft (called by the Domain-specific launchpad module when NFTs are transferred out of the Slingshot)
  • sale_on to start the sale
  • sale_off to pause or stop the sale
  • config_mut returns a mutable reference to the upstream module

and the following getter functions:

  • collection_id
  • collection_id_ref
  • live
  • config
  • receiver
  • admin
  • nfts

Slingshot: Fixed Price Launchpad

The Fixed Price Launchpad config, LaunchpadConfig, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the Launchpad configuration object
price u64 The fixed price of each NFT in the collection

It has the following init and drop functions:

  • create to create the Launchpad
  • delete to destroy the Launchpad

the following transfer functions:

  • buy_nft_certificate when a user wants to buy an NFT, they must first buy the NFT certificate which contains the ID of the NFT they can claim
  • claim_nft after buying the NFT certificate, the user can then call this endpoint to redeem the allocated NFT

the following modifier functions:

  • new_price (permissioned endpoint for administrator to call and change the sale price)

and the following getter functions:

  • price