Ty's XSS Fuzzer


python xsshell.py

From there type help for relevant commands.

Example sequence of commands:

python xsshell.py

set -target http://www.google.com

spider start

spider stop

attack start

attack stop

###Documentation: http://xss-fuzzer-shell.readthedocs.io

Launch console with python xsshell.py

Note0: Still a WIP
Note1: This is my first python program so the code may not be high quality stuff

Semi-intelligent fuzzing tool. Program analyzes html output and constructs attack strings based on the output. If desired, the program will modify each character to attempt to bypass filtering.

One advantage of this fine-tuned approach is fewer network connections, so you don't have to flood the target network.

Program interface is a unix-like command prompt (Think msfconsole).

Multithreaded Support - Set thread count when spidering or fuzzing.

Connection Delay - Set connection delays to avoid flooding the target or to avoid any mechanisms that prevent frequent connections.