
First tap on channels doesn't register when opened via swipe

raucao opened this issue · 9 comments

I always found the channel nav to be a bit weird, and today I found out why: in my installed PWA on Android (via Chrome), I have to tap twice in the channel list to actually switch to a channel (or register any taps for that matter), but only when I open the channel list via swipe. When I tap the header to open the list, the first tap works.

@skddc Maybe a focus issue?

@fsmanuel Could be. Want to check if the same issue exists on iOS or not?

Just open https://hyperchannel.kosmos.org/ in Safari on there and you can immediately test. :)

So it's an issue with the swiping library and Chrome it seems.

I tested again, and have news: it might actually be the same issue on iOS, because it actually only happens when you tap too quickly. If you wait for about a second after swiping, it will work, but if you tap immediately (even though the animation should already be finished), it won't register the tap.

@fsmanuel Could you try again with this new information and see if you can reproduce the issue?

I can't reproduce it on iOS either. Even when tapping while the animation is still in progress, it still switches the channel.

Thanks. We'll have to investigate on Android then. Desktop Chromium in mobile mode might work for reproducing.