
Task Management SDK for Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


TaskManagementSDK is a Swift package that demonstrates the CRUD operations of Tasks. It allows you to manage tasks seamlessly using the provided SDK. It is inbuilt with offline support with SQLite.


To integrate TaskManagement SDK into your project, you can use Swift Package Manager.

Add the following dependency to your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version:5.8

import PackageDescription
import Foundation

    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/6vedant/TaskManagementSDK.git", branch: "main")

    targets: [
            name: "YourApp",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "TaskManagementSDK", package: "TaskManagementSDK"),


import TaskManagementSDK

// Create a weak reference to the TaskManager
weak var viewModel: TaskManager?

// Initialize the TaskManager instance
viewModel = TaskManager.viewModel

// Add tasks
let task1 = viewModel?.addTask("Task1")
let task2 = viewModel?.addTask("Task2")
let task3 = viewModel?.addTask("Task3")
let task4 = viewModel?.addTask("Task4")

// Get all task titles
let tasks = viewModel?.getAllTasksTitle()
print("All tasks: \(tasks ?? [])")

// Update a task
viewModel?.updateTask(id: task4!.id, newTaskTitle: "UpdatedTask4")

// Get updated task titles
let newTasks = viewModel?.getAllTasksTitle()
print("Updated tasks: \(newTasks ?? [])")

This code snippet demonstrates the basic usage of the TaskManagementSDK library.

Android Studio App Example

Please checkout the Android app that uses this SDK to build a simple Task Management App.

SCADE App Example

Please checkout the SCADE app that uses this SDK to build a simple Task Management App.


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