
Markdown formatting for documentation

ad-m opened this issue · 4 comments

ad-m commented


Thank you for the very helpful library. I see her new use case. Well, I'm going to develop documentation using the Markdown format for our extensive CLI.

To this end, support for Markdown formatting would be useful.

I am asking for information in this regard, as well as in the scope of possible incorporation of changes to this library. I prefer to be sure about work on the topic before I start developing my own solution.

Kind regards,

75lb commented

You can see an example of how I format the output for markdown here (click "edit" to see the raw markdown):

Does that help?

ad-m commented

Thank you for the quick reply.

This is the initial approach (I have used it before for testing CLI generator) and it is enough for internal needs to use code syntax. However, my goal is to develop Markdown documents that can then be turned into a full-fledged page (using VuePress / Hugo or another static page generator) like https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference or https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/#available-services .

In this case, it needs a more markdown-way generation method. As I understand it, there are no ongoing works in this respect and I will have to think about how to approach them myself.

ad-m commented

command-line-application already implemenent Markdown formatting: https://github.com/hipstersmoothie/command-line-docs

75lb commented

Have you made an progress with this issue? I don't have any immediate plans to build a markdown generator for CLI documentation, but maybe in the future..