
Wrong doc?

cvaliere opened this issue · 5 comments

Spent 1 hour trying to make this work:

renamer --insensitive --find 'mpeg4' --replace 'mp4' *

figured out this is the correct syntax:

renamer --insensitive --find mpeg4 --replace mp4 *

is it just me, or the doc is wrong?

75lb commented

both of those command look correct to me.. were you getting an error? Which OS are you on? if you are on Windows, try passing the glob expression in quotes like so

renamer --insensitive --find mpeg4 --replace mp4 "*"
75lb commented

also, don't forget to run with --dry-run first

I'm on windows

the glob is not the issue, the issue is with the --find and --replace arguments

with quotes, it just does nothing
without quotes, it works

Finally, this was driving me nuts - thank you so much!

75lb commented

yes, on Windows you'll need to use double-quotes - single quotes is a mac/linux thing.

I updated the README to use double-quotes instead.