
USRP `sc16`, `sc8` CPU format in Python API

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First, thanks for the great book! It helps me a lot to get started in SDR.

In the USRP chapter, you said that the UHD only supports fc64 and fc32 CPU data types when using the Python API. In my experiment, I found that all CPU data types are supported in python api, though you need to do some extra job when using the sc16 or sc8 as CPU format.

In short, the following codes can be use to rx and tx data with sc16 CPU data type in python.

import uhd
import numpy as np

usrp = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP()

center_freq = 100e6  # Hz
sample_rate = 1e6  # Hz
gain = 50  # dB

usrp.set_rx_rate(sample_rate, 0)
usrp.set_rx_freq(uhd.libpyuhd.types.tune_request(center_freq), 0)
usrp.set_rx_gain(gain, 0)

# Set up the stream and receive buffer
st_args = uhd.usrp.StreamArgs("sc16", "sc16")
st_args.channels = [0]
metadata = uhd.types.RXMetadata()
streamer = usrp.get_rx_stream(st_args)
recv_buffer = np.zeros((1, 1000), dtype=np.int32)  # use int32 to hold the iq sample

# Start Stream
stream_cmd = uhd.types.StreamCMD(uhd.types.StreamMode.start_cont)
stream_cmd.stream_now = True

# Receive Samples
streamer.recv(recv_buffer, metadata)

# Stop Stream
stream_cmd = uhd.types.StreamCMD(uhd.types.StreamMode.stop_cont)

samples = np.zeros(recv_buffer.shape[-1], dtype=np.complex64)
recv_buffer = recv_buffer.reshape(-1).view(np.int16)  # view the buffer as i16,q16 array
samples.real = recv_buffer[::2]
samples.imag = recv_buffer[1::2]


When using sc8 as CPU format, the recv_buffer needs to be initialized as np.int16, and be viewed as np.int8 after receiving samples.

import uhd
import numpy as np

# Configuration Parameters
tx_freq = 915e6  # Hz
tx_gain = 25  # Transmit gain in dB
tx_rate = 1e6  # Sample rate in samples per second

usrp = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP()

st_args = uhd.usrp.StreamArgs("sc16", "sc16")
st_args.channels = [0]

# Set up TX streamer
tx_streamer = usrp.get_tx_stream(st_args)

# Configure USRP parameters
usrp.set_tx_freq(uhd.libpyuhd.types.tune_request(tx_freq), 0)
usrp.set_tx_gain(tx_gain, 0)

# create random signal
samples = 0.1 * np.random.randn(10000) + 0.1j * np.random.randn(10000)

# convert the float complex samples to i16,q16 buffer
data = np.zeros(len(samples) * 2, dtype=np.int16)  
data[::2] = np.real(samples) * 2 ** 15
data[1::2] = np.imag(samples) * 2 ** 15
data = data.view(np.int32)

# Create a metadata object for sending samples
md = uhd.types.TXMetadata()
md.start_of_burst = True
md.end_of_burst = False

# Stream the signal
tx_streamer.send(data, md)

# Indicate end of burst
md.start_of_burst = False
md.end_of_burst = True
# Send a few zeros to flush the buffer
tx_streamer.send(np.zeros((1000,), dtype=np.int32), md)
print("Transmission completed.")

When using sc8 as CPU format, the data needs to be initialized as np.int8, be set via np.real/imag(samples) * 2 ** 7, and be viewed as np.int16 before sending.

Why the code works?

Here is the underlying code of tx_streamer.send(nparr, md) in the UHD library. It shows that the UHD library only get the underlying bytes of the input numpy array and pass it to the cpp api, which means (I guess) we can use any numpy array as the input of the tx_streamer.send as long as the item size of the numpy array is same as the CPU format. So when using sc16 as CPU format, the input numpy array can be np.int32 or np.uint32, and when using sc8 as CPU format, the input numpy array can be np.int16 or np.uint16.

The C version of tx example also shows that the UHD library only cares about the underlying bytes of the input buffer.

Oh nice find!!! Any interest in adding it to a new section at the end of the USRP chapter? If not I can, might take a few weeks to get to it though.

I'm glad to! maybe I can make a PR this weekend.