
Monthly issue metrics report for closed issues and prs

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Issue Metrics

Metric Average Median 90th percentile
Time to first response 3 days, 17:39:14 0:51:29 11 days, 17:09:05
Time to close 5 days, 8:41:12 17:44:46 18 days, 23:24:38
Time to answer None None None
Metric Count
Number of items that remain open 0
Number of items closed 10
Total number of items created 10
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to close Time to answer
IOS download error #351 pigivc 0:51:29 10:24:58 None
Android build is failing due to missing Kotlin lib #350 starfreck 8:03:00 8:03:00 None
Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-serialization-compiler-plugin-embeddable:1.7.10. #348 hongfeiyang 0:18:52 0:18:52 None
Fix priority for multi-part upload #346 toyozaki None 2 days, 16:30:56 None
Upload tasks get randomly restarted on a slow Android device #344 Ansis100 0:50:47 17:27:27 None
Lack of Docs for downloadBatch #343 dickermoshe None 18:02:04 None
Update README.md with Kotlin Version #342 dickermoshe None 10:18:35 None
Receive status update in background #341 tomasweigenast 0:15:05 22 days, 11:59:52 None
Large attachment uploading takes a while #337 jamescardona11 18 days, 14:00:43 18 days, 14:00:43 None
[Android] notification icon #336 Nico04 7 days, 3:14:39 7 days, 3:45:28 None

This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:781flyingdutchman/background_downloader closed:2024-07-01..2024-07-31 -reason:"not planned"