
Monthly issue metrics report for opened issues and prs

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Issue Metrics

Metric Average Median 90th percentile
Time to first response 9:23:54 4:00:52 1 day, 8:37:49
Time to close 1 day, 18:04:03 20:01:47 4 days, 9:53:24
Time to answer None None None
Metric Count
Number of items that remain open 7
Number of items closed 6
Total number of items created 13
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to close Time to answer
[Android] Failed download video from some Url #406 bladeofgod 4:00:52 None None
If I cancel the download, it automatically restarts. #404 Nahid-mk 1 day, 11:31:47 None None
Best approach for uploading large files? #403 escamoteur 0:22:14 None None
Improvement of docs on behavior in the background #402 escamoteur 0:48:01 None None
[Question] about IOS NSURLSession.background limit #401 bladeofgod 7:42:37 19:01:36 None
Cannot download file when http POST request using a Map #400 tunggTO2xxx 4:03:29 1 day, 4:24:55 None
Minor typo fix in README.md #399 wildsurfer 0:02:33 0:11:32 None
Debugger throws pause in a runtime #397 AdamRiedl 1 day, 14:55:40 None None
moveToSharedStorage not working in background mode on Android #394 NavidFarahmandian 2:46:21 None None
[IOS CRASH] I got some crash log from about this plugin on IOS. #392 bladeofgod 6:17:29 None None
Issue with Pausing Downloads on iOS Cancelling Instead of Pausing in background_downloader #390 KevinShingala 21:01:58 21:01:58 None
Download Cancels Instead of Pausing on iOS When Using Background Downloader in Flutter #389 KevinShingala 0:22:23 0:22:23 None
Question - using background_downloader to offload in background basic HTTP tracking queries #388 evaisse 0:15:20 7 days, 15:21:52 None

This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:781flyingdutchman/background_downloader created:2024-10-01..2024-10-31 -reason:"not planned"