
'users.search' not working

eugene-nikolaev opened this issue · 2 comments

The following code execution:

client = ... # authorization
result = client.users.search(search_params)
count = result.first

leads to exception:

VkontakteApi::Error (VKontakte returned an error 3: 'Unknown method passed' after calling method 'search.first' without parameters.):
... some app trace here (skipped)

This caused by last commit ('new namespaces added') - there is 'search' namespace added. So client.users.search.first calls unexisting 'search.first' method. Was it added intentionally? I don't see any 'search.*' at the VK API page.

I think that #23 (comment) should help you.

Thanks! Didn't guess to look through closed issues.