
"jQuery not defined"

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Hey there! Just wanted to say that I've been using your NeonMob userscript for a while now, and it is so helpful. I noticed today that it wasn't working anymore (after an update), and checked the console for errors. It appears that the userscript is missing jQuery, as it told me:

ERROR: Execution of script 'NM trade enhancement' failed! jQuery is not defined
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

So, I took a look at the userscript and noticed that the QTip library was new in the update, as it is imported in the Userscript header section. Since this library depends on jQuery, and the error was talking about not finding jQuery, I decided to add an import statement to do so: // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js

Then, for the userscript to use jQuery, I added the following two names to the globals list: jQuery $

After making these changes, the userscript works like a charm! I just wanted to bring this to your attention, since the new additions to the userscript are SOOO helpful!!!