
Authentication Module

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Authentication Module

An authentication module's task is to verify the identity of users or entities accessing a system or service, ensuring only authorized access.

Database Structure

1. Table : users

Field Datatype Required Note
id Int(8) Yes Primary Key
email varchar(128) Yes Index
password varchar(128) Yes
firstname varchar(128) No
lastname varchar(128) No
username varchar(128) No Index
country_code int(8) No
mobile_number varchar(32) No
verified_at timestamp No
created_at timestamp Yes Created timestamp
updated_at timestamp No
deleted_at timestamp No
created_by Int(8) No
updated_by Int(8) No
deleted_by Int(8) No


The users table will include only these specific fields. If you need to store additional user details, you should create a separate profile table with the relevant fields. This table will incorporate a user_id field to establish a one-to-one relationship.

2. Table : profile


Please note that the profile table is optional, you should only create it if you intend to include additional user-related fields.

Field Datatype Required Note
id Int(8) Yes Primary Key
user_id Int(8) Yes Foreign Key: users
created_at timestamp Yes Created timestamp
updated_at timestamp No
deleted_at timestamp No
created_by Int(8) No
updated_by Int(8) No
deleted_by Int(8) No
... ... ... All the other additional user-related fields

3. Table : user_otps

Field Datatype Required Note
id Int(8) Yes Primary Key
user_id Int(8) Yes Index
otp varchar(32) Yes
otp_for enum('verification','reset_password') Yes Index
verified_at timestamp No
created_at timestamp Yes Created timestamp
updated_at timestamp No
deleted_at timestamp No

Role and Permission

By default, the system should have an admin and user role. Kindly use the Laravel Permission package for that.



For all endpoints that require authentication, kindly ensure that the token is included in the Authorization header of the API request.

Base URL : api/v1/

Endpoint Method Argument Response Authentication Required Description
send-otp Post Send OTP Send OTP response No Send the OTP to the email.
verify-otp Post Verify OTP Verify OTP Response Yes Verify the OTP
signup Post SignUp Request SignUp response No We will require email during the signup process, and to verify it the generated token will be stored in the user_otps table.
login Post Login Request Login response No This endpoint is intended for user login using an email .
forgot-password Post Forgot Password Request Forgot Password Response No It requires an email address to be provided.
reset-password Post Reset password Request Reset Password Response No It requires either an email address to be provided.
me Get User Response Yes To retrieve the profile of the logged-in user, please include the token in the Authorization header of the API request.
me Post Update Profile Request User Response Yes
change-password Post Change Password Request Success Response Yes

Request Object

  1. Send OTP params
    email: String
  1. Verify OTP params
    used_for: String
    otp: String
  1. SignUp Request
    email: String
    password: String
    firstname: String
    lastname: String
    username: String
    country_code: Integer
    mobile_number: String
  1. Login Request
    email: String
    password: String
  1. Forgot Password Request
      email: String
  1. Reset Password Request
      email: String
      otp: String
      password: String
      confirm_password: String
  1. Update Profile Request
    firstname: String
    lastname: String
    email: String
    country_code: Integer
    mobile_number: String
    username: String
  1. Change Password Request
    current_password: String
    password: String
    confirm_password: String

Response Object

  1. Success Response
    status: Boolean
    message: String
  1. SignUp / Login Response
    status: Boolean
    message: String
    token: String
    user: UserObject
  1. User Object
    id: Integer
    email: String
    firstname: String
    lastname: String
    username: String
    country_code: Integer
    mobile_number: String
    verified_at: DateTime