A tool like Android getevent that is being developed for use in XtMapper to support waydroid.
Download executable binary from last successful build:


$ chmod a+x ./client
$ ./client | sudo waydroid shell -- sh /sdcard/Android/data/xtr.keymapper/files/xtMapper.sh --wayland-client

This will create an invisible wayland window named "XtMapper" from which keyboard and mouse input events are captured and then forwarded to XtMapper.
Minimize the client window and click on start button in XtMapper app, then maximize the client window back.
For it to work as intended, it's size should be same as that of the waydroid window and overlay the waydroid window.
Auto Profiling should be disabled in settings.


Building the client from source

Depends on libwayland-client and libxkbcommon. You will need to have some system dependencies such as a C compiler installed for compiling it from source with make.

# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S wayland-protocols libxkbcommon

# Ubuntu
sudo apt install wayland-protocols libwayland-client0 libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev

Download the source

git clone https://github.com/Xtr126/wayland-getevent
cd wayland-getevent

Run make to build the client binary

$ make

A script build.sh is included to download all dependencies and build a static binary without requiring libxkbcommon, wayland to be installed on system. Requires meson and ninja.

$ ./build.sh