
Misaligned screen on Windows 95 games in Voodoo 1 mode

Fosselle opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened?

Whenever booting up a game with Voodoo 1 graphics on my Windows 95 OSR2 VM, the screen is misaligned and not centered like it was before. There are noticeable black bars on the left and, sometimes, top parts of the screen; depending on the game itself. As a result, certain elements get cut off at the sides or at the bottom of the screen.



I don't recall seeing this happening on v4.0.1, and I'm using the last official Voodoo 1 driver v.3.01.00. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or that I'm missing out on? Thank you.

Configuration file

[S3 Vision964 PCI (Diamond Stealth64 VRAM)]
memory = 4

[3Dfx Voodoo Graphics]
type = 0
framebuffer_memory = 2
texture_memory = 2
bilinear = 1
dithersub = 1
dacfilter = 0
render_threads = 2
sli = 0
recompiler = 1

[Standard PS/2 Mouse]
buttons = 2

[Sound Blaster 16]
base = 0220
base401 = 0330
irq = 5
dma = 1
dma16 = 5
opl = 1
control_pc_speaker = 0
receive_input = 1
receive_input401 = 0

[System MIDI]
midi = 0

vid_renderer = qt_opengl
sound_gain = 2
window_remember = 1

machine = 430vx
cpu_family = pentium_p55c
cpu_speed = 166666666
cpu_multi = 2.5
fpu_type = internal
cpu_use_dynarec = 1
fpu_softfloat = 0
time_sync = local
mem_size = 65536

gfxcard = stealth64v_pci
voodoo = 1
show_second_monitors = 0

[Input devices]
mouse_type = ps2

sndcard = sb16
midi_device = system_midi
fm_driver = nuked

net_01_link = 0
net_02_link = 0
net_03_link = 0
net_04_link = 0

[Ports (COM & LPT)]
serial1_enabled = 0
serial2_enabled = 0
lpt1_enabled = 0

[Storage controllers]
hdc = none
cassette_mode = load

[Hard disks]
hdd_01_parameters = 63, 16, 4095, 0, ide
hdd_01_fn = C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Retro Windows/Windows 95 HDD.img
hdd_01_speed = 1997_5400rpm
hdd_01_ide_channel = 0:0

[Floppy and CD-ROM drives]
fdd_01_type = 35_2hd
fdd_02_type = none
cdrom_01_parameters = 1, atapi
cdrom_01_ide_channel = 1:0
cdrom_01_image_history_01 = 
fdd_01_image_history_01 = 
cdrom_01_image_history_02 = 
cdrom_01_type = 86BOX_CD-ROM_1.00
cdrom_01_image_history_03 = 
cdrom_01_image_history_04 = 

[Monitor #1]
window_coordinates = 610, 483, 640, 400

[Monitor #2]
window_coordinates = 0, 0, 0, 0

Operating system

Windows 10


AMD Ryzen 7 5700X

86Box version

v4.1.1 build 5634

Build architecture

Windows - x86 (32-bit)

Build type

  • New recompiler
  • Debug build

Download source

Official website (Jenkins, GitHub)

Additional context

No response

Bisected and found build 5377 shows correct voodoo1 overlay but starting with 5378 has the alignment bug. Tested with Windows - x86 (32-bit) with old recompiler.

vid_renderer = qt_software
confirm_exit = 0
video_filter_method = 0
video_fullscreen_scale = 3
video_fullscreen_first = 0

machine = 5ax
cpu_family = pentium_tillamook
cpu_speed = 133333333
cpu_multi = 2
fpu_type = internal
cpu_use_dynarec = 1
fpu_softfloat = 0
time_sync = local
mem_size = 65536

gfxcard = trio64v2dx_pci
voodoo = 1

[Input devices]
mouse_type = ps2

sndcard = sb16
fm_driver = nuked

net_01_link = 0
net_02_link = 0
net_03_link = 0
net_04_link = 0

[Storage controllers]
hdc = none
cassette_mode = load

[Hard disks]
hdd_01_parameters = 63, 15, 10672, 0, ide
hdd_01_fn = 5ax.vhd
hdd_01_speed = ramdisk
hdd_01_ide_channel = 0:0

[Floppy and CD-ROM drives]
fdd_01_type = 35_2hd
fdd_02_type = none
cdrom_01_parameters = 1, atapi
cdrom_01_ide_channel = 1:0
cdrom_01_speed = 72
cdrom_01_type = 86BOX_CD-ROM_1.00

[S3 Trio64V2/DX PCI]
memory = 4

[3DFX Voodoo Graphics]
type = 0
framebuffer_memory = 4
texture_memory = 4
bilinear = 1
dithersub = 1
dacfilter = 0
render_threads = 1
sli = 0
recompiler = 1

This is now fixed.