
Keyboard not working in Windows 3.11 for WG after install

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What happened?

During the installation of Windows 3.11 for WG, as well as in DOS, the keyboard works.
If I launch the installed Windows, the keyboard stops working in this OS. The mouse works fine.

Configuration file

vid_renderer = qt_opengl3
force_43 = 1
scale = 2

machine = p5mp3
cpu_family = pentium_p54c_od5v
cpu_speed = 133333333
cpu_multi = 2
fpu_type = internal
cpu_use_dynarec = 1
fpu_softfloat = 0
time_sync = local
mem_size = 32768

gfxcard = vga

[Input devices]
mouse_type = msserial

sndcard = sb16
fm_driver = nuked

net_01_card = ne2k
net_01_net_type = pcap
net_01_host_device = \Device\NPF_{A82CC253-0FE4-4D42-9C57-977903FCF18E}
net_01_link = 0
net_02_link = 0
net_03_link = 0
net_04_link = 0

[Storage controllers]
hdc = ide_pci
cassette_mode = load

[Hard disks]
hdd_01_parameters = 63, 16, 1054, 0, ide
hdd_01_fn = C:/86Box/86Box_VMs/Windows 3.11/Windows_3.11.vhd
hdd_01_speed = ramdisk
hdd_01_vhd_blocksize = 4096
hdd_01_ide_channel = 0:0

[Floppy and CD-ROM drives]
fdd_01_type = 35_2hd
cdrom_01_speed = 72
cdrom_01_parameters = 1, atapi
cdrom_01_ide_channel = 0:1
fdd_02_image_history_01 = F:/Windows 3.x/_kiot/WFW311DSK01.IMA
cdrom_01_host_drive = 200
cdrom_01_image_path = C:/86Box/_Soft
cdrom_01_image_history_01 = C:/86Box/_Soft/Windows 3.11 CD .ver.3.11 for Workgroups.Russian.iso
cdrom_01_type = 86BOX_CD-ROM_1.00
cdrom_01_image_history_02 = E:/DOSbox

mac = 73:ef:de

[NE2000 Compatible #1]
base = 0300
irq = 15
bios_addr = 00000
mac = 02:75:2a

[Microsoft Serial Mouse]
port = 0
buttons = 2

Operating system

Windows 11


Core i9-13900

86Box version

4.1.1 build 5634

Build architecture

Windows - x64 (64-bit)

Build type

  • New recompiler
  • Debug build

Download source

Official website (Jenkins, GitHub)

Additional context

In the Socket 3 configuration, motherboard Soyo 4SAW2 - the keyboard works