
congo the movie decent into zinj tearing problems

yoshi200214 opened this issue · 3 comments

What happened?

I have a problem of tearing in congo the movie decent into zinj
it happen every time
please fix it

Configuration file

[S3 ViRGE/GX2 (357) PCI]
bilinear = 1
dithering = 1

[Sound Blaster 16]
base = 0220
base401 = 0330
irq = 5
dma = 1
dma16 = 5
opl = 1
control_pc_speaker = 0
receive_input = 1
receive_input401 = 0

vid_renderer = qt_opengl3
video_gl_vsync = 1
vid_resize = 1
window_remember = 1
video_filter_method = 0
mouse_sensitivity = 0.15

machine = 486vipio2
cpu_family = i486dx2
cpu_speed = 66666666
cpu_multi = 2
fpu_type = internal
cpu_use_dynarec = 0
fpu_softfloat = 0
time_sync = local
mem_size = 16384

gfxcard = trio3d2x

[Input devices]
mouse_type = msserial

sndcard = sb16
fm_driver = nuked

net_01_link = 0
net_02_link = 0
net_03_link = 0
net_04_link = 0

[Storage controllers]
hdc = internal
cassette_mode = load

[Hard disks]
hdd_01_parameters = 63, 16, 1377, 0, ide
hdd_01_fn = yoshi
hdd_01_speed = ramdisk
hdd_01_ide_channel = 0:0

[Floppy and CD-ROM drives]
fdd_01_type = 35_2hd
cdrom_01_speed = 5
cdrom_01_parameters = 1, atapi
cdrom_01_ide_channel = 0:1
fdd_01_image_history_01 = C:/Users/XPC/Downloads/Microsoft Windows 3.11 (OEM) (3.5)/DISK3.IMG
fdd_01_image_history_02 = C:/Users/XPC/Downloads/Microsoft Windows 3.11 (OEM) (3.5)/DISK5.IMG
fdd_01_image_history_03 = C:/Users/XPC/Downloads/Microsoft Windows 3.11 (OEM) (3.5)/DISK4.IMG
fdd_01_image_history_04 = C:/Users/XPC/Downloads/Microsoft Windows 3.11 (OEM) (3.5)/DISK2.IMG
cdrom_01_image_history_01 = C:/Users/XPC/Downloads/fox hunt/Fox Hunt (USA) (Disc 1).cue
cdrom_01_host_drive = 200
cdrom_01_image_path = C:/Users/XPC/Downloads/Congo - The Movie - Descent into Zinj (Germany)/Congo - The Movie - Descent into Zinj (Germany).cue
cdrom_01_type = 86BOX_CD-ROM_1.00

[Monitor #1]
window_coordinates = 0, 23, 1920, 938

[Monitor #2]
window_coordinates = 0, 0, 0, 0

[S3 ViRGE (325) PCI]
memory = 4
bilinear = 0
dithering = 0

Operating system

Windows 11


13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13400F

86Box version

v4.2 build 5671

Build architecture

Windows - x64 (64-bit)

Build type

  • New recompiler
  • Debug build

Download source

Official website (Jenkins, GitHub)

Additional context

No response

Does it happen elsewhere?

yes, it happens elsewhere,
In the intro, in the cutscenes and in gameplay.

Did you try changing the emulated graphics card?