
ATI Mach32 overscan in Windows 9x after build 5702

Closed this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

I created two machines using ATI Mach32, one is PS/2 80 type 3 with MCA version, and the other is PS/Valuepoint P60 with built-in version. Then I got them installed with Win9x. Recently I found their screens suffering overscan after entering Win9x with 1024x768 resolution, only seeing part of desktop on display. If I change the resolution to 640x480, the display gets broken. The issue doesn't happen in build 5701, while happening after build 5702.


Configuration file

type = 1

vid_renderer = qt_software
host_cpu = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400 CPU @ 2.90GHz
emu_build_num = 5714
uuid = dc174d1c-eda2-5151-9632-bce2c4a1bc0a
language = zh-CN
vid_resize = 2
window_fixed_res = 1024x768

machine = ibmps2_m80_type3
cpu_family = idx4
cpu_speed = 100000000
cpu_multi = 3
fpu_type = internal
cpu_use_dynarec = 0
fpu_softfloat = 0
time_sync = local
mem_size = 65536

gfxcard = mach32_mca

[Input devices]
mouse_type = ps2

sndcard = sbpromcv
fm_driver = nuked

net_01_card = wd8003ea
net_01_net_type = slirp
net_01_link = 0
net_02_link = 0
net_03_link = 0
net_04_link = 0

[Storage controllers]
scsicard_1 = aha1640
hdc = none
cassette_mode = load

[Floppy and CD-ROM drives]
cdrom_01_parameters = 1, scsi
cdrom_01_scsi_location = 0:01
fdd_01_type = 35_2hd
fdd_02_type = none
cdrom_01_speed = 16
fdd_01_image_history_01 = D:/vintage computer/office97/office97.img
fdd_01_image_history_02 = D:/vintage computer/ps2m80/rf6259308.img
cdrom_01_image_history_01 = G:/FopDown/sc_ie5.5_sp2_full.iso
fdd_01_turbo = 1
fdd_01_image_history_03 = C:/Users/13980/Downloads/Windows98_SE.img
cdrom_01_image_history_02 = D:/vintage computer/Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 (4.71.1712) [Simpl. Chinese]
cdrom_01_image_history_03 = D:/vintage computer/office97/office97.iso
cdrom_01_image_history_04 = C:/Users/13980/Downloads/Compressed/win95_cn_all(jb51.net).iso
cdrom_01_type = 86BOX_CD-ROM_1.00

[Western Digital WD8003E/A #1]
mac = 9c:72:f6

[ATI Mach32 (MCA)]
memory = 4096

[Hard disks]
hdd_01_parameters = 63, 16, 2500, 0, scsi
hdd_01_scsi_location = 0:00
hdd_01_fn = 114114.vhd
hdd_01_speed = ramdisk
hdd_01_vhd_blocksize = 4096

[Standard PS/2 Mouse]
buttons = 4

Operating system

Windows 11 pro x64 23H2


Intel Core i5-9400

86Box version

v4.2 build 5714

Build architecture

Windows - x86 (32-bit)

Build type

  • New recompiler
  • Debug build

Download source

Official website (Jenkins, GitHub)

Additional context

No response

Already aware and already fixed on my end.