
Harmless error at startup

winexe0 opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
When 86box Manager launches, it shows a (harmless) error about the .Net Framework. When continue is clicked, 86box Manager works as expected.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Launch 86Box
  2. See error.

Expected behavior
86box Manager loads without any errors

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Host OS: Windows 11 version 21H2
  • 86Box build number and type 3738 Regular
  • 86Box Manager Version 1.7.4
    Additional context
    This only happened today. I have restarted my computer with no luck. No updates were installed between yesterday and today. I have attached the error log file

Based on the log you provided, it seems .NET Framework derped out when creating the XML application settings or some such. Can't reproduce it myself.

Thank you for your help. I deleted the Manager's .config file from AppData and it worked like a charm.