
cgroupfs problem

Opened this issue · 6 comments

this is just a wild guess, but I'm trying this on Artix linux, the distro like void or alpine has no systemD. The reason I think the problem is related to lilipod is because I remember seeing issues related to cgroupfs with other container systems involving systemD.

I might be 100% wrong and the issue could be something else, I am not a person who knows a lot about containers. If this issue is related to distrobox, then please let me know, so I can go and open the issue there instead (and sorry if that's the case).

$ distrobox enter debian
 Error: could not start entrypoint.
2023/12/19 01:12:03 setup cgroupfs: mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/container-debian.scope: permission denied

also not sure if this is relevant, but my root FS is btrfs

lilipod does not use or is related to systemd. Must be something else 🤔

In that case I have no idea what is wrong, it was just a guess I made. If there is anything I can do to help say so. The thing I was trying to do is not critical to anything so if it's just me having this issue then don't worry about prioritizing any effort, its OK if this stays unsolved. I just wanted to report the issue :)

Thank you for your time.

Can you share the steps to reproduce? I can setup an environment asap.

Can also be related to missing cgroups support https://github.com/89luca89/lilipod?tab=readme-ov-file#to-do

for me, the permission denied problem only occurs with lilipod, not with distrobox, which works perfectly.

I'm coming back to this subject with a few points.

nb : distrobox (since uninstalled) ran smoothly because it was based on podman.

/sys/fs/cgroup which was in 555 mode was switched to 755 mode but this changed nothing.

$ ls -l /sys/fs/
total 0
drwx-----T  2 root root 0 juin  13 18:27 bpf
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 0 juin  13 22:29 btrfs
dr-xr-xr-x 11 root root 0 juin  13 18:27 cgroup
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 juin  13 22:29 ecryptfs
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 0 juin  13 22:29 ext4
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 0 juin  13 18:27 fuse
drwxr-x---  2 root root 0 juin  13 18:27 pstore

# chmod 755 /sys/fs/cgroup

$ ls -ld /sys/fs/cgroup
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 0 juin  13 22:28 /sys/fs/cgroup

$ llpod run -ti --name test archlinux 
2024/06/13 20:29:45 setup cgroupfs: mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/container-test.scope: permission denied

this folder that can't be created was manually pre-created before the lilipod command was run, but failed with the same error.

# mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/container-test.scope

# chown me:me /sys/fs/cgroup/container-test.scope

$ ls -ld /sys/fs/cgroup/container-test.scope
drwxr-xr-x 2 me me 0 juin  13 22:30 /sys/fs/cgroup/container-test.scope

$ llpod run -ti --name test archlinux 
2024/06/13 20:31:45 setup cgroupfs: mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/container-test.scope: permission denied

in the hope that this information will help move the problem forward.

regards, lacsaP.